WeLink Featured In The Tech Tribune’s “Best Tech Startups in Utah” Two Years In A Row

WeLink named best tech startup in 2022

The Tech Tribune has released their picks for top 10 best tech startups of 2022 – and we made the list.

The Tech Tribune, an online source for technology news and updates, recently named WeLink one of Utah’s “Best Tech Startups of 2022.” We are excited to have made the cut two years in a row! According to The Tech Tribune, companies selected for the honorary title are chosen based on revenue potential, leadership teams, brand traction, overall product, and competitive landscape.

WeLink has been featured on The Tech Tribune website multiple times in the past. For the last two years, WeLink was also listed as one of the top tech startups in Lehi (read the article here). Additionally, Kevin Ross, the founder, chairman, and CEO of WeLink, participated in an exclusive interview with The Tech Tribune in which he shared his keys to pioneering a successful startup business.

Thank you The Tech Tribune for the recognition! To see WeLink and all the other companies that made the list, you can read the full article here.

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